Shoes By New Look//Top By River Island Here//Jeans By Cheap Monday//Knuckle Rings By H&M//Bracelet By Diesel// Gold Bracelet By Forever21
Todays look! The weather has been amazing or what I experienced when I was outside. So I wore this light sweatshirt, with ribbed detailing. Something that I’m obsessed wit lately, trying to look for a black one and a white one as well, of course.BTW the other day, I went for the first time, to a outdoors cinema. Such a fun experience, didn’t think we had stuff like that in Denmark. It was so cool, that I could watch a movie in my own car (literally thought that it was something that only existed in movies or America). My friend and I saw the movie Hot Pursuit with Sofia Vergara. So already then, I knew it would be a fun movie. Now I have to go tho, need to answer some mails and get stuff done.